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SCRIPT cDNA Synthesis Kit

First strand cDNA synthesis with high sensitivity and efficiency

Store at -20°C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing

SCRIPT Reverse Transcriptase
SCRIPT RT Buffer complete
dNTP Mix
DTT stock solution
Oligo-(dT)20 primer
Random Hexamers
RNase Inhibitor
RNase-free Water

SCRIPT cDNA Synthesis Kit contains all reagents required for first strand cDNA synthesis in one box combining simple handling with high flexibility. The premium quality Reverse Transcriptase, ultrapure dNTPs and an optimized reaction buffer ensure superior results with highest reproducibility. The kit is optimized for high efficiency in a broad range of primer-template combinations.

Название Код Цена Количество
L pack PCR-511L 132535.2 руб. 500 reactions x 20 µl
S pack PCR-511S 33133.8 руб. 100 reactions x 20 µl
XS pack PCR-511XS 8564.71 руб. 20 reactions x 20 µl


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