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25% OFF 3D Bioprinting

Using CAI Primary Cells

Promo code "3DBP043016"

Expires April 30, 2016

Индивидуальная Биопечать из Первичных Клеток для Инженерии Тканей

В партнерстве с Cyfuse Biomedical K.K.


Advanced tissue-engineering services are available using a new three-dimensional bioprinting approach called the “Kenzan Method”. Utilizing Cyfuse Biomedical’s Regenova® 3D Bio Printer, a robotic system that fabricates three-dimensional tissue from primary cells, Cell Applications has created a powerful bio-printing model that makes scaffold-free, primary cell-based tissue available.
  • To order custom-printed tissues or schedule a demonstration at CAI in San Diego, contact 1-800-645-0848 or info@cellapplications.com.
  • To rent or purchase the Regenova instrument from Cyfuse Biomedical, contact its N. American distributor AMUZA Inc. at 858-225-6869 or sazuma@amuzainc.com.


Itoh, M., K. Nakayama, R. Noguchi, K. Kamohara, K. Furukawa, K. Uchihashi, S. Toda, J. Oyama, K. Node and S. Morita. 2015. Scaffold-Free Tubular Tissues Created by a Bio-3D Printer Undergo Remodeling and Endothelialization when Implanted in Rat Aortae.  PLOS OnE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136681.

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