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Лимфобласты мыши - клеточная линия
Замороженный криососуд
3 Mill. cells/ml, 1.5 ml

Технические параметры
ПроизводительCLS Cell Lines Service
Номер в каталоге 400482
Ценапо запросу

Product information CTLL-2


Images of CTLL-2 cells

Murine Lymphoblast cell line CTLL-2

Organism: Mouse
Strain: C57BL/6
Tissue: Hematopoiesis (Blood)
Morphology: Lymphoblast
Celltype: T lymphocyte
Growth Properties: Suspension
Description: This cell line is a clone of cytotoxic T cells derived from a C57BL/6 mouse. The proliferation of CTLL-2 cells strongly depends on the presence of IL-2 in the cell culture medium. Immediately after thawing the culture will appear to have few or no viable cells. Depending upon the source and potency of the IL-2, it may take up to three weeks before the cells are ready to subculture.
Culture conditions: CTLL-2 cells are being cultured in a highly effective cell culture medium; the cells
proliferate up to 1-2 Mio. cells/ml at a viability of 90%.

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