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Hot Start Core Kit

Kit of heat-activatable DNA polymerase for high specificity, dNTPs and reaction buffer

Store at -20°C, avoid frequent thawing and freezing

Hot Start Pol (5 units/µl)
dNTP Mix
Hot Start Buffer complete - 10 x conc.
MgCl2 Stock Solution

Hot Start Core Kit provides improved specificity and sensitivity when amplifying low-copy-number targets in complex backgrounds or when prolonged room-temperature set up is required. The polymerase activity is blocked at ambient temperature and switched on automatically at the onset of the initial denaturation. The thermal activation prevents the extension of nonspecifically annealed primers and primer-dimer formation at low temperatures during PCR setup.
Hot Start Pol requires no prolonged activation step. The polymerase inhibiting ligand is quickly released at the increased temperature of thermal cycling.
Hot Start Core Kit - red contains Hot Start Pol - red for easier handling and to facilitate the preparation of the master mix.

Название Код Цена Количество
L pack PCR-233L 47491.78 руб. 1000 units Снято с производства
red - L pack PCR-233L-red 47491.78 руб. 1000 units Снято с производства
S pack PCR-233S 11872.95 руб. 200 units Снято с производства
red - S pack PCR-233S-red 11872.95 руб. 200 units Снято с производства


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